Saturday, November 29, 2008

Motherhood isn't all that it's cracked up to be ...

Nighttime around here is never pleasant. Most nights I get lucky with Hannah waking only 2-3 times and Noah getting to bed by 10pm and scooting into our bed halfway through the night. To me, that's a good night.

Well, the past two nights have been pure hell and I cannot even begin to describe how tired I feel. BOTH children were up until after 2am. After hours and hours of trying to get them to sleep, Nader and I loaded them into the minivan and took them for a ride. It took 40 minutes to get them to pass out, with Nader and I both about to fall asleep ourselves.

They were FINALLY in bed, and we could FINALLY have some 'alone time' ;-) We sacrificed another 45 minutes of rest just to be together... something I'm very glad I did, but once 6am came around (just 3 hours after falling asleep myself) I began to wonder if I made the right choice. Noah woke up screaming ... came into my bed, kicked Nader out because we can't get comfortable with all 3 of us in a Queen sized bed. Then as Nader left the room, Hannah woke up screaming too! I was left to deal with 2 cranky babies. Hannah went back down pretty quickly, but Noah- nope, not my boy! He was up for the day ...

I was able to get them to take a nap together at noon and they are still fast asleep at nearly 3pm. THANK GOD! It's Nader's birthday this week and my parents invited us over for a "birthday dinner" .... we're supposed to be leaving soon, but neither of us feel like partying. To say the least. Hopefully the sugar rush from some cake and ice cream can keep us going until we leave. And HOPEFULLY, the kids will pass out on our way home and will go right to bed afterward .... and STAY there!

Wish me luck! It's going to be a looooong night!

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