Saturday, November 29, 2008

Motherhood isn't all that it's cracked up to be ...

Nighttime around here is never pleasant. Most nights I get lucky with Hannah waking only 2-3 times and Noah getting to bed by 10pm and scooting into our bed halfway through the night. To me, that's a good night.

Well, the past two nights have been pure hell and I cannot even begin to describe how tired I feel. BOTH children were up until after 2am. After hours and hours of trying to get them to sleep, Nader and I loaded them into the minivan and took them for a ride. It took 40 minutes to get them to pass out, with Nader and I both about to fall asleep ourselves.

They were FINALLY in bed, and we could FINALLY have some 'alone time' ;-) We sacrificed another 45 minutes of rest just to be together... something I'm very glad I did, but once 6am came around (just 3 hours after falling asleep myself) I began to wonder if I made the right choice. Noah woke up screaming ... came into my bed, kicked Nader out because we can't get comfortable with all 3 of us in a Queen sized bed. Then as Nader left the room, Hannah woke up screaming too! I was left to deal with 2 cranky babies. Hannah went back down pretty quickly, but Noah- nope, not my boy! He was up for the day ...

I was able to get them to take a nap together at noon and they are still fast asleep at nearly 3pm. THANK GOD! It's Nader's birthday this week and my parents invited us over for a "birthday dinner" .... we're supposed to be leaving soon, but neither of us feel like partying. To say the least. Hopefully the sugar rush from some cake and ice cream can keep us going until we leave. And HOPEFULLY, the kids will pass out on our way home and will go right to bed afterward .... and STAY there!

Wish me luck! It's going to be a looooong night!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Relaxing after a long day!

*sigh* Nothing like a nice hot cup of Chamomile tea and some milk chocolate to get a girl to relax and unwind after a long day.

I have to admit that it wasn't exactly a 'strenuous work day' or anything ... after all, Noah was at my parent's house for most of the day. Yet, for some reason I feel exhausted, my back is killing me and I have a terrible headache. Ali's been kicking up a storm for the past hour and now that both kids are home together, they're going nuts as if they haven't seen each other in weeks! lol Wild, crazy and excited ... that's my kids right now.

I did want to pop onto the blog again today to say a word or two about my husband, Nader. He is such a great help... he's always here for me and always has something nice to say to cheer me up when I'm down. Not only is he a full-time student with full-time laboratories on top of normal class hours, he also works part-time and still comes home and helps me with the kids and house work (if I need it) ... he's a machine!! I take him for granted a lot, I'll admit it. I feel so bad for him because I know how hard it is to keep up with his hectic schedule- but like he always tells me "It's for our future, babe."

Oops ... have to run, sounds like my loving Hubby could use some help with my screaming kids. lol

Joys of having a toddler ...

My Noah is a great kid, he really is. He's smart, he's caring, he's absolutely hilarious ... that's my Noah. But lately, he's also been trying my patience.

He loves the word 'No!' and must use it at least 50 times a day. He says 'No!' to everything, whether he actually means it or not. The other night he was in one of his moods, so I thought I'd play with him a bit to see what he'd say. I asked him "Noah, do you love Mommy?" Noah replies, "NO!!!!!!!!!" ... "Do you love Baba??"...... "NO!!!!!!!!" ..... "Do you love Meme?" (Meme is his favourite person in the world and he loves her to death) "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ..... so then I ask him "Noah, do you love Ernie??" and the boy looks up at me with a great big smile and says "Yes!!!!!! Love Ernie!! And Bert, and Cookie, and Elmo" etc. etc. He named pretty much every character on the Sesame Street with sincere love in his eyes. lol Again, that's my Noah!

He's also been giving us a hard time about bedtime. He's so blatantly tired, but refuses to sleep. It'll either take us until midnight to get him to bed (after letting him cry for a good 15-20 minutes) .... or, we'll have to take him for a car ride to calm him down and then put him to sleep. It's a terrible routine to make into habit, especially with the freezing Canadian winter hitting us full swing.

Yet, no matter what Noah does- no matter what he gets into, or how many times he tells me "I no love mama!" ... he never ceases to make me smile. He'll always be my big, baby boy and I will never stop telling him how much I DO love him.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

When will it end?

My daughter Hannah was born a princess. From day one, she wanted to be cuddled and held ... she even refused to sleep in her bassinet at the hospital and instead slept in Mommy's arms. Just before we were ready to take her home from the hospital, I remember looking up at my husband and saying something along the lines of "This little girl is nothing like her brother!" And I was right. Noah loved to sleep. He was content playing by himself and was such an easy going baby. Hannah??? She's my diva ...
At 10 months and 10 days old, she still does not sleep through the night. Not even close!
The past few months have been really rough on me. The "more pregnant" I get, the harder it has been waking up with her countless times a night. What kills me more is that I know she's fully capable of sleeping for long stretches! She's using me and playing with me, being the princess she's always been.
I've thought of letting her scream it out all night ... I've thought of buying a gazillion books on 'getting your baby to sleep' .... I've even had thoughts of throwing her out the window and letting her fend for herself- but in the end, I keep giving in to her spoiled rotten ways and waking up with her when she beckons.
With baby Ali coming, I have to come up with a solution soon enough .... but until then, it looks like I'm going to be a slave to my daughter and have to deal with the minimal amount of sleep she allots for me.
~Hannah Bee, Mommy loves you .... but be warned, you have 15 weeks to get your act together, because in 15 weeks and 1 day, I QUIT!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Showing off my Family :-)

My big boy, Noah (18 months)

My baby girl, Hannah (6 months old)

Where should I begin??

How about a little background information ...

As I've already stated in my introduction, my name is Sarah. I'm 26 and from Southern Ontario, Canada. I recently graduated from University and have been a Stay-At-Home-Mom full-time since April 2008.

I have a fabulous husband named Nader (A busy full-time university student who also works part-time) ... he's my rock and I can't thank him enough for all the help and encouragement he gives me. We were married January 28, 2006... just one year after we went on our first date (Jan. 16, 2005)

I have 2 gorgeous children, Noah- born January 10, 2007 and Hannah born January 16, 2008. I am also pregnant with my 3rd child, a boy to be named Ali- due to arrive around March 12, 2009. Three little ones in 26 months wasn't exactly what we had originally planned on, but I'm loving having them all so close in age!

Between the average SAHM (Stay-at-home-mom) duties and trying to give as much love and attention I can to my darling husband ... I'm a busy woman. Factor in my kids current bad sleeping habits, and my growing 6 month pregnant belly- I'm utterly exhausted and in need of a break! :-D

So, that's my life right now in a nut-shell. I warn you that my posts will most likely be ridiculously long, but for those of you who can hang in there and continue reading- Way To Go! lol This blog is going to be my outlet to get things off my chest ... brag about my family ... and possibly whine about them too! ;-)

Well- that's all for now folks ... I've added a few pictures for you to enjoy .... happy reading!!