Wednesday, November 26, 2008

When will it end?

My daughter Hannah was born a princess. From day one, she wanted to be cuddled and held ... she even refused to sleep in her bassinet at the hospital and instead slept in Mommy's arms. Just before we were ready to take her home from the hospital, I remember looking up at my husband and saying something along the lines of "This little girl is nothing like her brother!" And I was right. Noah loved to sleep. He was content playing by himself and was such an easy going baby. Hannah??? She's my diva ...
At 10 months and 10 days old, she still does not sleep through the night. Not even close!
The past few months have been really rough on me. The "more pregnant" I get, the harder it has been waking up with her countless times a night. What kills me more is that I know she's fully capable of sleeping for long stretches! She's using me and playing with me, being the princess she's always been.
I've thought of letting her scream it out all night ... I've thought of buying a gazillion books on 'getting your baby to sleep' .... I've even had thoughts of throwing her out the window and letting her fend for herself- but in the end, I keep giving in to her spoiled rotten ways and waking up with her when she beckons.
With baby Ali coming, I have to come up with a solution soon enough .... but until then, it looks like I'm going to be a slave to my daughter and have to deal with the minimal amount of sleep she allots for me.
~Hannah Bee, Mommy loves you .... but be warned, you have 15 weeks to get your act together, because in 15 weeks and 1 day, I QUIT!

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