Thursday, November 27, 2008

Joys of having a toddler ...

My Noah is a great kid, he really is. He's smart, he's caring, he's absolutely hilarious ... that's my Noah. But lately, he's also been trying my patience.

He loves the word 'No!' and must use it at least 50 times a day. He says 'No!' to everything, whether he actually means it or not. The other night he was in one of his moods, so I thought I'd play with him a bit to see what he'd say. I asked him "Noah, do you love Mommy?" Noah replies, "NO!!!!!!!!!" ... "Do you love Baba??"...... "NO!!!!!!!!" ..... "Do you love Meme?" (Meme is his favourite person in the world and he loves her to death) "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ..... so then I ask him "Noah, do you love Ernie??" and the boy looks up at me with a great big smile and says "Yes!!!!!! Love Ernie!! And Bert, and Cookie, and Elmo" etc. etc. He named pretty much every character on the Sesame Street with sincere love in his eyes. lol Again, that's my Noah!

He's also been giving us a hard time about bedtime. He's so blatantly tired, but refuses to sleep. It'll either take us until midnight to get him to bed (after letting him cry for a good 15-20 minutes) .... or, we'll have to take him for a car ride to calm him down and then put him to sleep. It's a terrible routine to make into habit, especially with the freezing Canadian winter hitting us full swing.

Yet, no matter what Noah does- no matter what he gets into, or how many times he tells me "I no love mama!" ... he never ceases to make me smile. He'll always be my big, baby boy and I will never stop telling him how much I DO love him.

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